Storia Antica - Diritto Romano
Mostrando 280–288 di 1368 risultati
€ 46
Economic Structures of the Ancient Near East
SILVER M.AcquistaDetails -
€ 37
Economy and Society in the early Greek World. (Collected Essays)
ROEBUCK C.AcquistaDetails -
€ 78
Ecumene Augustea. Una politica per il consenso. (Problemi e ricerche di storia antica, 14)
CRESCI-MARRONE G.AcquistaDetails -
€ 37
Eduard Meyer Victor Ehrenberg. Ein Briefwechsel 1914-1930
€ 26
Education in Ancient Rome. From the elder Cato to the younger Plily
BONNER S.F.AcquistaDetails -
€ 50
Einführung in die Römische geschichtsschreibung
FLACH D.AcquistaDetails -
€ 19
Einführung in die römische Rechtsgeschichte
Söllner A.AcquistaDetails -
€ 18
El fin del Reino Visogodo de Toledo, Decadencia y catastrofe. Una contribucion a su critica. (Antiqua et Mediaevalia, 1)
GARCIA-MORENO L.A.AcquistaDetails -
€ 51
Elementa Epigraphices Graecae
FRANZIUS I.AcquistaDetails