Storia Antica - Diritto Romano
Mostrando 64–72 di 1368 risultati
€ 36
Aristocratic Society in Ancient Crete. (1955)
WILLETTS R.F.AcquistaDetails -
€ 13
Arsinoe II. (Pubbl. ISA Padova, 6)
LONGEGA G.AcquistaDetails -
€ 10
ARTEMIS – Wegweiser zur Antike. Die Bibliothek der alten Welt und die Sammlung Tusculum im Artemis Verlag
AA.VV.AcquistaDetails -
€ 127
Arthur Darby Nock. Essays on Religion and the Ancient World, I-II. (Selected and edited, with an Introduction, Bibliography of Nock’s writings, and Indexes)
STEWART Z.AcquistaDetails -
€ 20
Asklepios. The Cult of the Greek God of Medicine
WALTON A.AcquistaDetails -
€ 25
Aspectos de la lucha politica en Roma en la segunda mitad de siglo III a.C.
BUONOCORE-VARAS R.AcquistaDetails -
€ 80
Aspects of the Reign of the Emperor Domitian. (Diss.)
OSTRAND K.D.AcquistaDetails -
€ 52
Aspetti sociali del quarto secolo. Ricerche di storia tardo-romana. (Problemi e Ric. di Storia Antica, 1)
MAZZARINO S.AcquistaDetails -
€ 44
Atene 478-401 a.C. (Univ. di Cambridge, Storia antica, 5)
BURY - COOK - ADCOCKAcquistaDetails