Mostrando 1090–1098 di 7592 risultati
€ 67
Catalogue des sarcophages en pierre d’
BARATTE - METZGERAcquistaDetails -
€ 310
Catalogue des sculptures greques et romaines et byzantines (3 voll.)
MENDEL G.AcquistaDetails -
€ 42
Catalogue des vases antiques de terre cuite.
POTTIER E.AcquistaDetails -
€ 310
Catalogue géneral des Antiquités égiptiennes du Musée d’Alexandrie. Iscrizioni Greche e Latine
BRECCIA E.AcquistaDetails -
€ 36
Catalogue Greece in the Geometric Period. NY Carlsberg Glyptotek
CHRISTIANSEN J.AcquistaDetails -
€ 52
Catalogue of Classical Sculpture in the Museum of Art at Providence R.I.
RIDGWAY B.S.AcquistaDetails -
€ 81
Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the Art Museum, Princeton University. (Diss.)
FORBES B.A.AcquistaDetails -
€ 155
Catalogue of Engraved Gems, Greek, Etruscan and Roman in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
RICHTER G.M.A.AcquistaDetails -
€ 258
Catalogue of the Bronzes, Greek, Roman and Etruscan in the British Museum
WALTERS B.AcquistaDetails